Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two Weeks Notice

I'm not sure if I decided to resign because Lennon asked me, "What the hell is going on here?" followed by, "You're really pissing me off, Mom" or if it was the guilt I felt for serving NutriGrain bars for lunch although I'm pretty sure I texted Tod after finding this:

Text to Tod:   Hey! Just letting you know I'm putting in my two weeks notice; please find a replacement asap.  Have a great day!


Ryan Smart said...

Do you think you could get unemployment? I'd totally do it.

IronLawGirl said...

Oh, I totally quit all the time. My favorite was once when I was on strike, it just happened to be around Mother's day, and Gwen told the school that her mom's favorite thing to do is lay in bed and sleep all day. Nice. And if you didn't know, Nutrigrain bars are full of nutri and grain, so you're good there. :)

Lindsey and David said...

I have a friend whose daughter told her teacher that her mom is going to kick her a** if she can't get a drink of water.

I can't wait for Lennon to get into school and the stories that will follow. Maybe Larry, too?

alana said...

haha! I'm sitting at my desk at work laughing my A off! So funny, I would love to have been there to hear it.

Nancy said...

Okay, this is your old babysitter Nancy coming out of hiding to comment. The other day I couldn't get my garage door opener to work and my 3 year old pipes up from the backseat, "Say dammit, mom." Never swore until I had kids and now you'd think I was a sailor.

ericareynolds said...

Aw, but he's so cute. Where are you going to find a cuter boss? I think you should stick it out at least until the teen years...

MediocreMama said...

Nancy!!! My favorite babysitter! Great to hear from you again. So glad to be in touch.

raegan said...

your nice to give a two week notice. i just run, but i always come back...i am a wuss! just remember to cherish these years because 'it just gets harder'...HA!!!
love your stories! wish we were closer so i could meet those cute kids! you aren't going to be in utah this coming weekend by any chance...are you?