Monday, August 16, 2010

Luscious Red Locks

Buzz, cut, or keep the same?
Majority wins.


Karen said...

I say buzz, cut, or keep the same. It won't matter. He will be scrumptious no matter what!!!

mandy* said...


IronLawGirl said...

I had the hardest time cutting Drake's hair. But when we buzzed it I couldn't believe how grown up and cute he looked! The sad thing about that is though that once you cut off that baby hair, it's never the same.

sarah said...


Ashley K. said...

Buzz, buzz, buzz... We just buzzed Davis's, and I loooove it.

Lindsey and David said...

Keep it! He as beautiful hair!

KelliJamison said...

I'm partial, but keep it!!! It's done so well for Shawn White.

Tommy Lowell said...

I'd say buzz it. But first leave a little party in the back. Larry's not officially a son of Tod Wever until he gets the mullet cut like Lennon did.

Unknown said...

Ditto what Tommy said but I'd say make it a 'hawk. That's the best hair cut ever.

Anonymous said...

Keep it. That hair do doesn't pass you on the street too often. It's a gem.

The Bell Family said...

You know how I feel about little Lar-Bear's hair. (wow that was a lot of rhyming!) I like it long. If you give him a mullet I will never talk to you again.

Awesome Oettli's said...

hey, adding myself as a follower, found your page via another blog-funny stuff. Don't know if you remembered me in HS- we did our life guard certification together and also worked together at Stansbury and DP-you called me like a ton to work for you-because you always had dates! Ringing any bells?? ( I'm tommy's age, so I was NOT dating) Check out my blog-and i better see you as a follower as well?

Kristine Pratt said...

To the skin!

Amy Bolyard said...

KEEP IT! Little boys with long hair melt my face off.

Katy said...

buzz - I'm so against little boys that look like little girls, no matter how cute the curls. Plus, it is hot and he will feel so much better especially in Vegas.

Jon and Ali said...

I like him JUST THE WAY HE IS!

Brooke said...

Keep 'em. They can only pull it off for so long.

Carol said...

I agree with Ali and Jon ... he's still our baby. Love him to pieces either way ... but love those baby locks!