Friday, March 25, 2011



f said...

ummmm ... yes!!

Macy said...

Oh my goodness yes. And the smirk singing out the side of his face is driving me bat crazy.

Krista and Eric said...

haha totally! so funny

Heidi Ann said...

So true! I like him...but then I can't decide. Well his country voice is great but that weird singing out of the side of his mouth is definitely different.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh... totally right.

diana said...

Again, feeling very left out. Who is this guy?

MediocreMama said...

Diana, American Idol. Don't worry, you are probably using your time being productive. Keep it up.

I hate that look he makes while he sings (out of the side of his face, yes!) and the jewelry! The jewelry! I'm a firm believer that outside a watch or a wedding band, guys should not wear jewelry. Especially the crap tube necklace with a cross or a peace sign like he wears. Why isn't anyone advising him???

The Bell Family said...

I struggled to realize who this guy reminded me of...this is spot-on. Nice work. Did everyone forget when he was rude to that adorable chubby kid that seemed to be sent straight from heaven?