Saturday, September 18, 2010

I almost can't watch.

I'm really happy that Oprah has spent the last 25 buying people cars, convincing them to read books, building houses for moms with no limbs, etc...

I really am.

But watching this episode made me sick with either jealousy or just complete annoyance.  I really don't know which.  These women act like she brought someone back from the dead.  And tonight Tod is working late so I've been watching the episode with Vera Wang who is giving away gowns to a bunch of unsuspecting brides plus a honeymoon wardrobe plus a honeymoon plus the moon...

I think it's about two parts annoyed with one part jealous.  And maybe I'm a little touched but that just annoys me more.

And is it just me or does John Travolta have that woman fooled?  


sarah said...

i'm annoyed by this show. i really am. not sure why, but i am!

Sarah said...

I watched the Vera Wang episode while Rob was in the room and he was annyoed (and jealous) that no one has every given us free stuff like dresses or houses or paid off our studnent loans or ... I said he should just be thankful he didn't grow breasts while he was watching.

Doesn't she know that everyone makes fun of her for how she sounds when shes gives peope stuff. Yeah for her for doing it, but "You're going to Australia! You're going to Australia!" Really?!?

And I totally agree with you about John.

Mama Megs said...

Was it just me or did John dye his eyebrows really dark? Something was off!!!

Ryan Smart said...

I'm usually fine admitting my jealousy and wondering why normal people don't get free crap, but this was just 100% annoying. It's not Oprah, it's just the crowd. I mean I'd be excited to go to Australia, but I'd never jump and around and cry.

MediocreMama said...

MamaMegs -- something was definitely off about all the hair on John Travolta that episode. I was so distracted by it.

Ryan, it IS the audience, but Oprah totally eggs it on. She is half the problem.

Anonymous said...

Didn't watch it... but if I were to ever win something, anything, I would not be jumping and crying. Well, maybe the Amazing Race.