Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Schwetty Raisin Balls

Remember this?

I thought of this skit today when Tod explained what happened while I was at the gym this morning. Sometimes I wonder if I should ever leave these three alone.

He was sitting at the table reading while the boys ate breakfast. Lennon came over and said, "Dad, want a raisin?" and you know how kids ask you the same thing a hundred times until you finally answer/respond/eat the raisin? Tod wanted to keep reading so he opened his mouth and Lennon popped in a raisin. Then he gave one to Larry, gave one to Dad, gave one to Larry and so on for about 20 minutes.

This entire time Tod continued to read and just open his mouth when instructed to eat the raisin. Until at one point he looked over at Lennon who was opening up the front of his underwear and reaching in. Tod told him to take his hands out of his pants but Lennon argued, "But raisins!" And there they were, an entire stash of raisins in his underwear stuck to his............body. Tod said there were some Cheerios in there, too. Are we the only family with stories like this?

Schwetty Raisin Balls.


raegan said...

your kids (or should i say lennon) are/is a crack up!

KelliJamison said...

I love the SNL skit, but think Tod's could rival it any day.

sarah said...

wow! i just woke up a sleeping baby because iwas laughing so hard1

Anonymous said...

Oh Holly. Schwetty balls is my ALL TIME favorite SNL skit. Well that tied with D in a box. I can just picture the scene in my head and i m dying. so funny. And yes, these stories only happen to you. :)

kristi said...

this story is too good to be true

Unknown said...

I just fell out of my chair.
I can't wait to be a parent.

The Bell Family said...

What is with that kids nad storing things in his underwear? Can someone please get him a pair of pants with pockets? Poor Tod...I learned long ago to never open my mouth blindly. It's almost never a good surprise.

(Who's the creepy follower that isn't commenting? I think you could be making some cash if you got some ads on here. Are you proud that you have a little fan club forming? I would be!)

Carol said...

Lennon strikes again!! You have to just love that kid ... there's never a dull moment with him (AND Tod) around! :)

Taryn said...

Holly, I just found your blog. I was crying I was laughing so hard!! You have a great blog!

Lindsey and David said...

Who is the mystery person? Give me a hint without totally giving it away.

Jon and Ali said...