[Was she jealous she never wore red then danced to "Lady in Red" at a school dance? Did she want my haircut? Or my intensely pointed bra?]

Except I look at blogs that I hate, don't you?
Our Facebook discussion has had me thinking. We've all become voyeurs yet we don't want anyone to know we care or look. We check in on people we love, we check in on people we hate, we check in on people we wish liked us. We check in on people who we wish we could be more like. But we call it blog stalking because we don't want people to know we look. I would love, LOOOOOOOVE to know every single person who looks at my blog, wouldn't you? Even better, I'd love to know why. I have 11 "official" followers (see right sidebar) but there are more. I want to know who you are. Let's be blost friends. That means blog+best friends; I made it up.

[Did she hate that I rocked these overall denim shorts over spring break in Vegas?]
My dare/request/suggestion/order:
If you follow this blog, become an official follower. Or do you not want me to know you look? Or are you afraid I'll think you're weird? Or do you hate my blog/me but you look anyways so of course you won't become a follower? The truth is I'd love to read yours, too. Or admit I already do. I'm not scared. I think we should be blost friends. I've made some blost friends whom I've never met. And I've become close blost friends with semi-feudal friends from high school. And I sort of like it.
Is this post too long?
Click on your right if you read this blog. And I'll be honest if I'm following yours. As Oprah always says (I love quoting Oprah), "The truth will set you free."
She's annoying, too though, don't you think?
I'm interested to see what happens.
You already know I blog stalk you, but I would LOVE to be BLOST FRIENDS.
Stalk me too. It makes me feel loved.
p.s. I would have hated you in highschool.
My name is Raegan and I read your blog. There, I said it. And actually I do feel a little freer now. :) I follow your blog because I want to be just like you and you make me laugh and I treasure the short time we lived together in Provo, Utah! I miss you Roomie and hope that someday our lives will allow us to reconnect in person...until then we can be blost friends!
You know that "next blog" button at the top of blogspot blogs? I read recently that they had made it more "intuitive," so that when you click it, you're more likely to find a blog you'd actually be interested in (and in a language you can read, et cetera). So I started on my own blog (www.thisisnotyourmothersblog.blogspot.com), and clicked "Next Blog," to see if I would find people/blogs like my own. Several "Next Blog" clicks later, I was becoming increasingly despondent: "If these blogs are boring as shit, and blogger thinks I'll like these blogs because I like *my* blog, my blog must be boring as shit."
About 5 clicks in, I landed on your blog, scanned it, read a few posts, laughed--indeed, out loud--once or twice, might have even read something out loud to my husband, who smiled this, "It's cute that you want to share that with me, but I don't find that entertaining in the least" smile, and promptly bookmarked you.
I am officially a follower now. AND I'm trying to think of the who SHE is. Hmmm...I could come up with a couple good guesses, but I won't. She was probably jealous of your car.
Pretty sure I wore that exact dress to a high scool formal... so we might have been best friends because we had the same taste... or you would have scratched my eyes out for wearing the same dress... doesn't mattter we're friends by default now because all our husbands had tickle fights as roommates. You know how I feel about your blog. It's MY therapy. Your humor is effortless. I'll jump on the follow bandwagon and ask nothing in return, because my blog is only details of ridiculously perfect life and a lot of pictures of my overly photographed model-child. (the second part is prett much true)
Thanks for starting my morning off with a chuckle. ~M
I read your blog-feeeww. That's a load off ;) I knew of Todd through my college roommates and bff's, Tiffani and Kazia. But I just think you're hilarious and I love to read what shenanigans you're up to-so there, we are now blog friends-but I still kinda feel like a duchebag for writing and telling you all this!
I remember all those clothes. Yes people did hate you, but they wanted you to like them more-controversial personalities are always intriguing. Your "passion"-some may have called it bit$#y-ness made for awesome drama. High school would have been very boring without it. Granted I went to 4 Highschools so I missed a lot, but I'm glad we've reconnected. Highschool can make for a lot of good posts-keep posting pics. Also remember when we had to debate about abortion in Olson's class...you cried and I beleive truly hated me that day. ;) Love your guts.
I've followed you for a while now. I just love your blog. Can't wait to see you guys soon! Hope all is well!
Deanna, you would've hated me so we're lucky we met post-high school.
Mama Megs -- WELCOME!!! Any friend of Tod's is a friend of mine. Except for a few of his friends. Just kidding.
Susan, I'm an official follower of your blog now, too. Can't wait!
Ryan, your memory is astounding. Don't you think I got a bad rap in high school, though? I think Leah is right...she hated me for my car. The one with no seatbelt on the driver's side which apparently isn't TOO important...
Anyone is welcome to guess if they dare on here or via email if you want to giggle behind closed doors. And did she read this blog and KNOW it was her? Hmmmmmm she should come out of the closet.
P.S. We are at 13 official followers...
Holls...I never hated you, we had too much history. Your mom baby sat me, we went to Leslie Wanlass dance together, made movies in Lauren Kendall's basement, SBO's in elem, etc. In high school I might not have agreed with every decision you made (cheerleading over some soccer games), but I knew to stay on your good side because I figured you could outsmart me if I tried anything:)
Those pics are priceless...it's amazing that our parents let us wear some of the stuff we did (and you were always a better dresser than me, so our parents really means my parents).
BTW...I'm a follower and a huge fan!
I think your senior year left you feeling more negative. To be honest I really don't think too many people hated you. Senior year was a struggle for everyone-I think I got a bad rap too. I mean I got punched in the face by Lindsay Parrot LOL!!! Yes, I do remember everything. It's a blessing and a curse. Just know you are loved by a lot, admired by many and hated by few...and those who hate you don't know you and probably just want your acceptance. You were the true Kelly Kapowski...I mean, I can't believe you wore that stuff, but I remember thinking your were so stylish. That's saying something coming from me ;)
I believe I just became your 15th follower! I read your blog, it makes me laugh, you have a great sense of humor.I have thought before "I wonder if Holly thinks its weird I read her blog. I wonder if she remembers staying at my apartment(and what was I like then?), I wonder what Tod has told her about me in college-cause lets be honest, my roomates and I were a bit hyper."
I don't know if I want those questions answered:)
ps. I read your previous post about your day being heavy. It was perfect timing for me. Its been a stressful couple of months..and that night after I read your post, Mike called and said his car wouldn't start.
perfect. Good thing I read your post!
Jenny, that summer when I stayed at your apartment I thought, "These girls are so cool." No joke. I loved you and wanted you to marry Q so we could stay in touch. Glad it worked out that we still do. I look at yours, too. Blost friends, see?
Ok. We are true blost friends. Last night I couldn't sleep (Ferberizing my one-year-old) and I lay in bed, tossing and turning, thinking about high school. I decided I was going to blog about it because it might be therapeutic to get some of these thoughts "out there" to quote you. So i couldn't help but giggle when I clicked on your blog to see that you were thinking of high school too. (And decided to blog about it too:)
So your post does have me curious though. I am two years older than you... But I always really liked you in high school... So I doubt it was me. But was it one of my friends? Did I cheer with her?
Diana, yes and yes.
I've been reading your blog for a while. I knew Tod when he lived at the Funk Factory, we were in the same Ward. My brother and him sold together in CO and my brother showed me your blog. I think that was the summer Tod got in a car crash, he definitely has something against cars. I love reading your blog because you are so real and your stories are hilarious! Thanks for all the laughs.
you must be getting a gobazillion followers, because the link to add myself is down. dang!
you're listed in my favorites bar, so i come by every few days to check in. but, i can be an official follower. we're in the same ward. but i dont talk to people face to face. barely ever. so you know ... thats the story. ill try again to "follow" you later :o)
Hi! My brother is Adam and before you laugh at the Adam & eve thing, eve is just my nickname. Is Tod in Dental School in Vegas? Cuz I know he mentioned he wanted to become a dentist. Not sure if he ended up going that route.
You are too funny. I check your blog so I can have humor in my day. Also, I just tried to become a follower, but it is broken. Are you trying to keep me away????
I found you through one of my best friends blogs. Sarah Hixson. Odd I know. But I think you are a clever blogger and fun mom!
Emily Mount (Utah)
Holy moly, 60% of the time your blog cracks me up everytime (or ok, All the time it makes me laugh and for that you are on my "blogs to read" on my blog. In fact I've even referenced your blog: http://desireeanddyer.blogspot.com/2009/11/bc.html).
I don't know if you remember me (Desiree kuras).. I was pretty dorky! But you were always super-duper nice :). So maybe you are making up all that stuff about HS???? Your boys are so stinkin cute!!!! They are a view for what I'm in for!!!
I never hated you but I think you hated me. I tried making a left turn once, and you didn't have your blinker on so I never you knew you were turning, and you turned anyway, and I went anyway, and we nearly collided, I laughed and you gave me a dirty look. At that point, I knew you hated me. I heard I was a bitch in elementary school although I never knew I was. I didn't try to be. But after the "incident", I knew you hated me. However, now, I know you would LOVE me. ;) I don't follow blogs in that way. I am a google reader, side bar girl but I do follow your blog. More casually in the past but then I finally added you to google reader so I am one of your google reader followers now. I want to know who mine are but I'm too shy to ask.
Desiree, of course I remember you! When I think of you I think of perfect skin and the sweetest girl in school. So good to be in touch.
Ginger, in elementary school once you told me my violin was fake. That it was only a toy and I didn't really play an instrument. It was so long ago it was when we lived in the condos! So...first grade? I went home bawling. I was scared of you after that. I don't remember the car incident but sorry for the dirty look. I didn't hate you at all believe it or not. I guess we didn't cross paths much. I'm actually so glad to be in touch. I love your blog.
Emily Mount - WELCOME! I love Sarah, glad to meet you!
Holly... I am totally a reader. You make me laugh out loud. I secretly stalk you and wish we had gotten to know each other better before you moved. Oops... now we can just be blost frienes. That is if you want to be. Check yes or no.
Ok it's time I fess up. My name's Marci (Rusk)Sargent and I am a blog stalker. We went to HS together, but didn't hang out or talk at all. You probably knew my brother and my friends more than me. But I love your blog, I found it through Leah's a few years back, and have to read it to get through my days. I know it sounds lame that a blog would help, but 90% of the time I can relate. You just have such a great way of expressing yourself, so thanks for letting me read. Hopefully you won't ban me for being a weirdo. I loved the FB post, and hope that I'm not one of the people you were referring to, if I am I apologize. I was really sad to hear about your dad, but was too ashamed to post, because I didn't know if it would sound sincere, sorry. So there I've outed myself.
Marci! My mom said she saw you the other day. We didn't hang out but mostly I think just because we had different groups of friends is all. My mom said you have kids? I would love to keep up; and thanks for the kind words about my dad. We miss him a lot.
Mark me down as one of those who hated you during high school.
Hey I added myself a couple of days ago. You already know I stock you. I loved you in high school. We have so many fun memories. I was(am) friends with Diana but I didn't cheer so I know you aren't talking about me!=) I sure could guess though!! My guess is she was jealous of the ford escort...only cool people drove those, red or blue!!I loved seeing you back in May. We need to play next time you are in Utah!
I'm hurt that of all things listed that would result in high school jealousy you didn't mention the fact that you got to go to a dance with a huge-headed, fang-toothed baseball player who had memorized all the lines to Wayne's World and protected you from being accosted by Brett! So not right!
We've never meant, but I stumbled across your blog from Deanna's. I love the way your write, and your stories are HILARIOUS. A good friend and co-worker has two young sons the age of your boys, and the similarities (story-wise) are so remarkable that I've shown her your blog as well.
i stalk your blog. i've even put it on my blog so that other people can stalk you ...
waiting to meet baby no 3
best wishes to you.
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