Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Kristi texted me today: "Where are the pictures from Father's Day?"

I may have avoided this post just because it was the first Father's Day without our dad. It was a crappy day but I think we all felt some peace, too. Hard to explain.

A few notes:

My boys love cemeteries. They love stomping on people's headstones and walking disrespectfully over final resting spots.

My dad would've thought that was funny.

Another note -- cemeteries are pretty crowded on Father's Day. I had no idea. And isn't the view from my dad's plot gorgeous? He would've liked that, too.

We spent the rest of the day in one of my dad's favorite spots. We were there just last summer for my mom's birthday and I remember it made him so happy.

[Left to right: Mystery Wheelchair Man, Kristi, Tommy holding Len, Mom, Kari]

Grief is a complex process. For me it began selfishly; feeling sorry for MY loss. Feeling sad for our family's loss. Feeling guilt, feeling regret. It has slowly progressed into acceptance of our new reality; acceptance of what our family looks and feels like now. It is very different. But I feel more joy for him now and more hope for us. We are okay and he is even better.


Karen said...

So thankful we were able to be together that day. Beautiful post Holly.

kristi said...

I was glad we were together too. I liked this post a lot. And now I have a couple more pictures of me and my little buddy! I need to get some with the red-head too. Can't wait to see you guys next week. Let's have big brother parties!

Unknown said...

Hi Holly, We went to the cemetary with your mom, bro & sister & almost sis in law. It is a very beautiful and peaceful spot. It's hard to believe he's gone--and so sad that my kids didn't get to know Uncle Ron. I will repent so we can get to know his kids & grandkids. Wendy

Carol said...

Dear Holly,
What a beautiful post & tribute to your dad. You made me cry.

Katie Ross said...

Cemeteries are pretty crowded on Mother's Day too. The first year is the hardest- it's always the first of everything. After 20+ years there's still sad moments but they're farther and fewer between. Most are happy ones. I know what you're feeling.