Monday, July 26, 2010

You tell me aka Reader Participation Time

Dear Readers:

If you read this blog, please give me your vote as a comment below. Because we need a marriage ref in this house so you've been hired. But you don't get any money. But you're into justice, right?

To keep it fair, all names have been changed to gender-neutral ones so you can vote without biased opinions.


Two parents, Pat and Jerry are packing up the car. Jerry starts putting kids in car while Pat opens up the trunk to load pool toys. Garage door is SHUT at this point. While Pat is loading up the back of the car, Jerry observes what Pat is doing and they exchange words. During word exchange, Jerry opens garage door. Which then catches the trunk of the car and damages the car. Immediately, Jerry blames Pat for having trunk open with the garage door shut. Immediately, Pat blames Jerry for opening garage door knowing the trunk was open. Heated argument ensues over who was right and who was wrong. Have I lost you yet?

Your job: Please tell me who is at fault -- the parent who had the trunk open while the garage door was shut or the parent who opened the garage door knowing the trunk was open?

If I don't get any comments I will post this over and over and over and over again until I do. No one wants that, right? May the best parent win.


Clark, Inc. said...

Gulp. Weighing in on this is a little bit scary. If I make an enemy of Tod, he could pulverize me Chuck Liddell style; if I make an enemy of Holly, she could make every family gathering excruciatingly uncomfortable with her sarcasm and dagger eyes. I wish I could do this anonymously... ;)

Emily and I are united in our view that the individual that opened the garage door is at fault...and should be dealt with using mercy, love, and thoughts of Jesus...

Jules said...

the garage door opener--if they really knew the trunk was open. :)

Leah Miller said...

The garage door opener...and they should be reminded of their mistake numerous times over the remainder of their life.

Anonymous said...

garage door opener... for sure. sorry if that was you Holy.

Wishful Thinking Design said...

Long time reader, first time commenter. Garage door opener is at fault- must check surroundings before opening.
Holly, you are so funny. My BFF and I read your blog together and laugh so hard.

Brooke said...

So I'm thinking... did the one who knew that the garage door was open, then choose to open the garage deliberately to make a point or was it just one of those not thinking, open it out of habit kind of thing. I'm guessing it was just habit. So I don't really think it's their fault. Also, why didn't the trunk opener just open the garage before they opened the trunk. That would make sense to me.

Brooke said...

I just read all the other comments and it looks like I'm the solo one for this parent. Either way, Holly is RIGHT!

MediocreMama said...

Great question, Brooke. The trunk opener left the garage door down so the kids didn't run out into the street. We both usually keep it shut until they're both buckled in to prevent casualties. It was confirmed that they planned to open the garage door once the car was all packed and ready to go.

MediocreMama said...

Oh and WELCOME WIshful Thinking Design!!!

Unknown said...

Or it could have happened at our place, where only one of the three garage doors worked, and there only would have been a 1/3rd chance that any argument would have occurred at all. Just general consensus that we should call someone about that. But "Jerry" is *probably* at fault. Sorry Tod.

Meegan said...

I second what Clark said... I fear the wrath of Tod. But pretty sure the gender neutral Jerry is at fault for opening the garage.
(although I've done the opposite and about crushed Jason while leaning into his open trunk because I hit the button to close the garage door out of reflex/habit only to hear him scream at me...)

Who's get's to be Tom Papa? Who's gonna make the call? Can we ALL video conference? don't just leave us hanging. make it happen Holly. :)

Lindsey and David said...

I'm lost. But mom ALWAYS wins.

Sarah said...

TOTALLY the person who opened the garage door. I assume that was Tod.

IronLawGirl said...

I LOVE the gender neutral names! Total anonymity! It's so Jerry's fault for opening the garage while the trunk was open. we just live in a house with out a garage to prevent these kind of issues. ;) Nothing like getting into a car that's 200 degrees.

Wilder Family said...

Sounds like Jerry should have looked twice! I have been in Jerry's shoes once...okay twice and backed into the garage door before it opened all the way AND backed into Mikes buddy's car that was parked behind my side of the garage. It's ok, we all do it! But the ruling is in favor of Pat.

Carolee said...

Jerry's fault for opening said garage door while knowing trunk was open. Sorry DUDE!

Sorry to hear about the car, but thanks for the laughs to brighten an otherwise, stinker of a day!!

Ryan Smart said...

Personally I would have gone with Tracy and Tracy for gender neutral names. Who parked the car that close to the garage in the first place? All I know is that no one wins an argument with Pat-no one.

tod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

Staying out of this one...

Sanditerese said...

You are too funny! The garage door opener is at fault.

Jessica =)) said...

20 comments... whoa. Poor car. lol

Brooke said...

I'm a flip flopper... I think it's probably the garage door openers fault now. You gotta keep the kiddos safe!

tod said...

it sounds to me like Jerry had NO idea that Pat had opened the trunk of the SUV with the garage door shut (especially since their was only 6 inches from the back of the car to the garage door).

What Pat is conveniently leaving out of the story is she had actually--already, secretly damaged the trunk door by opening it in such a small space before the garage door was even opened.

If you think about's kind of like getting mad at Pat for being attacked by an angry pitbull that Jerry left inside the house without telling anyone. Not very cool of Jerry but I guess it must be Pat's fault for opening that dog gone door...j/k

MediocreMama said...

Awwww poor Tod. So outnumbered. But nice try. And thanks everyone for reminding me once again that I'm usually/almost always right. Feels good.

tod said...

no kidding, i feel like frankenstein or something. just for that i'm gonna start my own blog and sick my blog posse on you. haha, what's wrong with you people anyway?!?!