...carried your baby upside down by one foot looking for a wipe for his dirty bum? eaten most of your kids' macaroni so when they want more you have to tell them sorry; they ate it all? told your child the park was "closed" that day? left laundry so long you end up folding two week's worth at once? accidentally washed a load of laundry minus the soap? filled your child's cup with water then a TEEEEENY bit of juice (I do this all day long)? heated up what wasn't eaten for breakfast hoping they'll eat it for lunch? mindlessly passed candy into the backseat just to make it to your destination? caught your son flushing the toilet with his teeth? turned more than one page at once to make a long fairytale a little shorter? left a puppet picnic at the library early because 1. Larry kept running to the stage and 2. Lennon was begging for food from strangers?
Me neither.
P.S. I may continue posting semi-unattractive pictures of myself; it's very liberating. You should try it. I'll only like you more.
P.S. I may continue posting semi-unattractive pictures of myself; it's very liberating. You should try it. I'll only like you more.
Holly, I keep thinking about you and thinking I need to call you. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You've been in my thoughts and my prayers! I hope you guys are doing well in your new house! Your boys are adorable, and I love this post. Also just read the one about your mom and the juicer...that's amazing! I love stories like that. Take care and know that I'm thinking about you!
Nope, not me.
your life is so exciting. makes mine sound so... blah. Maybe I should have another kid. You think that would help? Oh wait. We've tried that. Ugh guess I'm out of options. I'll continue to live vicariously through you. :) Keep me laughing!
Yeah right Meegan...I don't even remember the last time I boarded a plane. You have a pretty exciting life...
Holly, I love your sense of humor and I really enjoy your blog. I came across it randomly and now have it bookmarked. I have three kids and have lost a parent. I relate so very much to your reality and for some reason feel comforted by your lightheartedness!
Thanks for the escape...
See Holly ... you not only entertain family & friends, you bring joy and comfort to strangers. Your blog is a lifeline!! (you are a gift!)
carey, welcome! Where are you from? So glad to hear from you.
i hit the 'next blog' button at the top of the page and was brought here! i'm so glad i was. your boys are precious and it looks like you guys have a GREAT life!
The "flushing the toilet with teeth" is a new one for me...that is HILARIOUS!!!
I thought of you today and this post (not sure why haha) ... when i made Jack go "pee" in a bush in the Home Depot parking lot because I was too lazy to walk into the store.
btw- Running? Oh gosh...I'm sure you are a great runner. It's pretty sad really, I run all the time and I'm still slow as ever.
haha - laughing out loud! Thanks for last night - you inspired me, and it was so good to talk.
I have tried to make Monet pee in the bushes at the park where there was no bathroom and she was not interested. We had to drive ALL THE WAY HOME.
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