Saturday, April 18, 2009

Taste test

Warning: If you're considering having kids soon, maybe don't read this post until AFTER you're pregnant or have already had the baby and there's no way to turn back or change your mind because I don't want that responsibility on my shoulders just because my son takes off his diaper during naptime and smears feces all over himself and the contents of his crib....

He was screaming, "Camera! Camera! Cheeeeeeese! Camera!" and I'm thinking, "Sure, just hold out one of those hands covered in your own crap and take my camera. Here you go..."

So then later that same day Lennon got into some Easter candy and we found him looking like this...similar look but not as gross. At all.

In these pictures, Tod begs the question, "Lennon, which one tasted better...your own poo or the chocolate?" (Good question, Dad) Every single time we got the same answer: "Poo."
Which leads me to one last story before I attempt to sleep tonight: Last night I put Lennon down for bed and told him, "I love you, Lennon," to which he replied, "I love you....Holllllllllllllllllllly!" He started laughing so hard at his own joke that I was laughing, too. So then I said as I was walking out, "Okay, see ya Lennon," to which he replied, "See ya....sucker!" I closed the door and could still hear him giggling as I walked downstairs.


Erica said...

Oh wow! I wonder where he gets it? That is hilarious. Your warning needs to be just for the first part because the last part should make anyone want to have kids because of those funny moments right there! He is getting way too smart for his own good!

Ryan Smart said...

That puts a whole new meaning to shiz faced!

Carol said...


Oh how the memories come rushing back! Motherhood...ain't it grand?

But that last part where he called you by name is hilarious as is the "See ya' sucker!" part. That's a "Todder" remark ... I've heard it before! What a kick!
Never a dull moment at the Wevers!!
You guys crack me up!

Love you all,
Grandma Carol

Katy said...

So gross. Lennon looks like Kristi in one of those pictures. Pretty funny kid

Anonymous said...

i would d-i-e................
the 'sucker' calling is so so cute though. it sounds like tod.

Ann Dee said...

They kind of taste the same.

Dan said...

oh man, that's a bad deal! However, Lacy does worse than that about weekly. It used to be a lot worse, but she still has some issues. Her favorite is in the tub.

sincerely margie mei said...

Holly, I want you to know when I need a good laugh I can always count on you! You are so hilarious... Thanks for cheering me up.

Laisa said...

Holly, I have tears pooling in my eyes due to laughing so hard. Are you FREAKIN' SERIOUS? See ya, sucker!?

Berkley said...

Oh, Holly, I miss you.

mistyp said...

Does Ann Dee not like chocolate?

I'm glad we just have pee messes at our house. You are one great mommy to clean all that up! :)