work boots are a requirement, not a request.

Where you can empty all of my bookshelves

And by daily I mean
SEVERAL times per day.

Where your husband catches
LIZARDS in your HOUSE. Small, but still a
lizard in my house.

Where every time the phone rings, Lennon screams,
"HI! HI!"

Where you can eat
raspberries, smash
raspberries, wipe them on your face, grind them into your hair, stain your pajamas with them, you pick. A family favorite: Grabbing a handful of berries (any berry will do), making a tight fist while the juice squirts, then THROWING them.

Where a 14 month-old is able to grab a razor while his mom brushes her teeth. The funniest part is that I gave Tod so much grief for the same crime months ago...

his cast was medieval while
MY cast....well, as you can see, mine was
so good Lennon still had use of his hand. Plus there was no Scotch tape and toilet paper involved.
Come over sometime.
At least it was a lizard and not a snake!
Your posts are so clever and funny - it's so fun to read!
Lennon should sing that song "these boots were made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do...".
What a blue collar worker!
I wish I lived there...IF....I get to wear those rain boots! LOL! HE IS SO CUTE!!!
I saw your blog through Brett and Rach's.
he is so cute! the messy food is the most fun--at least for them...
I DO wish I lived next door! I can't believe you found the worlds tiniest lizard in your house! Lennon is getting so big I can't believe it!
That was the best post ever. That is MY house right now too! ... Except for the lizards, thank goodness!
Holden loves tomatoes. Not for the taste so much, or at all, but for the fabulous pop when you squeeze them.
Lennon looks very busy, and when your busy, you gotta where boots.
He is a very cute boy.
The cookies were BOMB! Yes, I already tried them. My e-mail is josh.lisa@hotmail.com
The only day I have something going on is Sat. Oct 11.(Baby shower, but in the evening) If that ends up being the day that works best we'll just plan it then. If another day works better we'll plan that. We'll talk though! Bye!
Holly I'm so glad you found me. It sounds like things are going good for you. Your little boy is so cute. We need to catch up. Email me
You are seriously the funniest human.
He's such a boy! What a cute kid you guys have. Seeing all your pics makes me so excited for our little one...though I haven't the first clue what to do with a girl--exicted for the challenge. Tell Lennon we have his wife when he's ready.
Hey Holly! You are so funny! I think that living at your house sounds like a blast!! :)~Sierra Murray
I am so glad you found me!!! I left a message for you on facebook, but if you're like me you probably don't check it very often. Fill me in on life, where are you guys living and stuff? Cute baby boy you got there. We have two Colton - 5 an Austin - 3. We live in Erda and loving it. Take care.
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