Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do not disturb

We're really busy.


Jason said...

sooooo not cool. the second i saw this lost picture, i thought to myself, "am i missing the season premiere right now?" jumping up out of my seat, i run to the living room to check the dish. nada. not cool guys.

MediocreMama said...

We actually never watched it so we started from Season I maybe a week ago. We're almost to Season III and neither of us have gotten a lot of sleep since. We're up all night watching episode after episode. Lennon wakes up around 6:30 the next day and we're both zombies.

We're addicted to LOST. There, I said it.

Leah Miller said...

Oh my gosh! I did the same thing as your friend Jason. I've been frantically searching the internet trying to find out if I was missing season 5. I don't know why because I actually missed all of season 4... Ryan convinced me to wait until they came out on HD DVD because "the picture is so much better" and we can watch them all back to back. I am counting down the days until Dec 9th!!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Jim and I are doing the same thing with The Office. We're totally hooked. Last year, it was 24.

Alana said...

I had no idea you were a lost fan!!! We're addicted too, and did the same thing. Have you been to yet? Watching them back to back is the only way, who needs sleep when you have Jack? Aren't Kates arms inspiring too?

Jason and Sarah Nelson said...

I totally understand. It is the best show. It requires that you dedicate your full attention, and you can't stop after just one episode. That's just the nature of the beast.

Ashley K. said...

So glad that we aren't the only ones! We have been doing this too and are in season 4 online...

Ryan Smart said...

If you knew Erica's and my obsession with this you may be frightened. I have never been more emotionally vested in anything in my entire life. This show affects me in ways only Alias did during my college years. I hate real life compared to these awesome shows. Who is JACOB!?!?!

Anonymous said...

love the boots...i have a pair just like em!
oh and tell Lennon thanks for the candy and fish book!
he's the best boyfriend!!!!

The Bell Family said...

We started watching them when I was in my last days pf pregnancy with Xavier and I didn't want to leave the house. Good thing, because we watched the first two seasons in one weekend. It as intense. We have kept up with it ever since and it's the only show, other than the office, that we both like to watch. I still can't get Q on the Grey's bandwagon.