Walking everywhere, opening everything, sucking on anything, eating food, throwing food, spilling food, wiping food in hair...
...saying the cow sound, the lion sound, the doggy sound, the kitty sound, plus some very advanced spitting sounds...waving hello and goodbye and giving KISSES on command...
Floating all by himself, asking for Da Da? asking for Ma Ma? Disabling DVD audio(we cannot watch a movie with sound anymore)...
Ripping Mom's glasses off her face and throwing them as FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE. Grabbing anyone's nipples within reach (recently Dad's and Monet's)(sorry Meg and Clay)...
And just today: Eating fake dirt from a fake plant while I attempted laundry folding, then drooling the fake dirt all over face and clothes.
What a big boy!

What a big boy!
What are we going to do with our rugrats??? I think they would be best friends if they lived in the same city.
Van's been eating real dirt for months. Clods. Handfuls. I don't even try. When these two get together, umm, we might be in trouble.
I swear your little man is getting cuter every single day!! It's hard to believe he's nearly a year old already! We're looking forward to seeing you all and watching Lenny blow out the candles on his very first birthday cake!
Grandma Carol
Lennon, what does the Grandpa say? Answer: What a fantastico boy you are!
LOL! What a cutie! And I am amazed that he can make animal sounds at 11 months- seriously, that is pretty smart! Ethan is 16 months and can still only do the dog noise. I am starting to get a little worried...
Mandy, don't be too worried...his cow sound is solid, the lion sound came a while ago when he went through a growling phase...the dog and cat sounds are sketchy but once in a while he gets it pretty close! His cat sound is like a high-pitched screech...but we'll take it. More than anything, it's hilarious.
He's growing up fast!
Tod this is Suzi Stein and I ran into your mom today and she passed along your blog. Wow your baby is so cute. Your wife writes funny stuff. The dirt in the street is very funny. I have sent the link to Jason. It is really nice to see you. Love to all three of you. I am so happy that you look so happy. Suzi
What a stud. He's so cute. I can't believe how big he's getting. It seems like forever until Bailey will be doing that stuff, but I'm sure it'll go by fast. Still working on the sleeping....
Isn't it a good thing kids are cute...could you imagine what you'd do if babies were really ugly and still did all of this...foster homes would be so full. Wow, I'm going to be such a good dad.
I haven't even met the kid and I can't believe how much he's grown!
i always want to comment on your posts....but then i think, oh my comment will jsut get lost amungst the many...ha ha ha
but lennon is so big and sooo cute!
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