...who asks Tod for a haircut.
Which is what I did on Monday. Lennon hadn't had one haircut yet so I insisted Tod do something about it. Oh, he did something about it.

Things were fine at first. Lennon actually liked the sound of the buzzzzzzzzzzz...

...and then he looked in the mirror. Daddy, are you stopping there? What about the middle section??

Oh, that middle section is there. I decided on these shirtless pictures because they seem to suit his new look. He also has carrots all over his face; hey, he was about to take a bath. Back off.

He sort of resembles Mr. T...if only Tod would let him borrow some gold chains...

Side shot/action shot

Awwwww, this sweet face with such a tough haircut?! Grandmas, sorry if this upsets you. I'm totally outnumbered in this house.
Now all you need to do is buy him some wife beaters.
Sorry, Mom. We knew you'd be upset.
Oh, and some gold hoop earrings...
You should arrange play dates with Joe Dirt's kids!!!
I thought you were kidding....I can't wait to see him...mohawk and all!!!
oh i love it! it is so cute....the haircut options with a boy baby way outnumber a girl baby! I wonder if he gets colder now with less hair on his head? haha
It's SO cute...just wait til you get the dirty looks from people in public!! Happens all the time with Corbin's mohawk!! They look at you like "How dare you do that to your baby" :O)
Aaaah pity the fool who disses Lennon's mohawk!
I can't beat any of the above comments. His hair is awesome though. The mohawk is SO 2006 for babies, when we have ours we're bring back the "babllet"... also known as the "baby mullet"
The new haircut is actually really cute! Mohawks are so hot right now, probably always have been for babies. Might not be so hot when Lennon is 15...:) But he's a baby!
Love it!
I laugh so hard when I visit your blog. I LOVE IT! You guys sound like life is just fun 24/7! HILARIOUS!
I'm in SHOCK!!! Totally shocked!
My darling, sweet, muffin of a grandson has been "Mohawked" by his very own father!
Tod ... you are officially disowned. Shame on you. Holly, you are a saint. I'd be soooo ticked if grandpa would have ever done that to one of our kids. Thank heavens it will grow out.
Lenny is still adorable though ... just look at that smile! It melts me.
Grandma Carol
P.S. Grandpa Rick is laughing is head off and thinks its terrific.
So funny! He is rocking the hawk & I love it!
So funny! He is rocking the hawk & I love it!
They sell baby wife beaters at Wal-mart. I'm totally getting them for our boys when the weather permits. The grandmas will learn to love the hawk. I think it's the perfect combo of tough and adorable.
And YES we want to meet you at Sea World.
I thought about not even commenting because it will get lost in all your thousands of comments. But, we love the new do!
I absolutely love it!!!! (P.S. Will you come decorate my house? Your bedroom is super cute!)
Lennon is so cute. Sam and I are laughing at all the pictures of him and his mohawk. We love it!!!
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