He hopped on his first flight ever to Oakland, California for Aunt Amy's wedding...
She looked beautiful but unfortunately, Lennon stole the show.

He looked dashing during pictures...

...had his first dance...

...started wondering if he liked weddings that much...

He was finally introduced to his...sort of...cousin: Mr. Baby.
And he also attended Mr. Baby's mom's book signing. She wrote a book and it's on shelves now. It's called: THIS IS WHAT I DID. Check it out.

And finally, on his last day, he requested a trip up the canyon with his Grandpa Ron. He likes him especially because he's a grandpa AND he wears Neil Young t-shirts. They hung out on a blanket, took a walk by the stream and his grandpa introduced him to everyone. Lennon felt he'd done enough, and we soon headed home.
I must say that Lennon is my most FAV grandson! The fact that he is my only grandson is beside the point...
We had some quality time together, hangin out at home and up in the canyon. (pricelss to me).
We loved seeing you all at Amy's wedding! We're still waiting for our little one to pop out. Visit our blog "marknmandy". We hope to see you again soon. Then Lennon and baby Bean can hang out!
Umm, Mr. Baby is wondering if Lennon "accidentally" took his cell phone. It's no big deal. We know how Lennon likes to talk on the phone and everything but, you know.
Also, we miss you guys already. Especially Mr. Baby.
Seriously you guys, he is probably the, well not probably, he is the cutest baby boy I have ever layed my eyes on, and I am not kidding. He just has the cutest expressions and personality, not to mention his tuxedo and hair combo is unbeatable. I just love him. And Monet seriously has a huge crush on him. Like its bad.
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