He is here. His name is Lennon. He didn't have a name for his first 24 hours. Then it was suggested and it stuck. Tod wrote it, rewrote it, said it a million times and we both saw Lennon when we looked at him.
Here's what happened:
My water broke at 4:30 am on Thursday morning. So we headed to the hospital and took this picture. Obviously the contractions had not started to hurt yet...

He looks just like Tod. Each day I've noticed more and more how his different faces look like his dad's.

After he was delivered, I felt pretty good. The next day I was okay but sort of felt like I'd been hit by a truck. I think I'm recovering well and we were blessed with a really smooth delivery.

Today we brought him home. It was a little scary to leave the hospital, put him in a car, and just wait for other cars to hit us and hurt him somehow. Then I kept thinking of all the scary things that could happen -- what if we dropped him? What if he stopped breathing? What if his car seat didn't work? Being a parent is already such a huge change.
We are so excited to have him home. Tod is putting him down for his first nap in his new house right now! Thanks for all your phone calls, emails, text messages, etc...we'll keep posting pictures as they come.
CONGRATULATIONS, YOU TWO!!! I've checked your blog so many times since I heard you had him. It's so nice to finally see pictures. He's adorable! I hope you guys have been able to at least get a little sleep.
Holly and Tod, CONGRATULATIONS on the new edtion to your family. I've been checking the website. It's nice to finally see your adorable blessing.I'm looking forward to meeting Lennon. Korliss
I am so happy for your family! Lennon is absolutely adorable, and I'm so glad you had a great delivery. I can't wait to meet him! It's funny, when you told me his name on the phone, I was convinced you said Lemon! It wasn't until I could look at the blog that I realized it was Lennon!!! What a cute name, for a beautiful boy. Love you guys!
Soooo Glad to see pictures! I've been going crazy waiting to see my newest nephew! Sweet, Sweet Lennon! He is so precious! Looks a lot like Tod as a baby...from the pictures you put up. I'm glad to hear that things are going great! Give Lennon a huge kiss and hug from Auntie Ali & Uncle Jon! We love you guys! Congrats!
Adorable baby...very glad you chose to spell the name correctly. Lenin wouldn't have been the best fit in my opinion...though your politics would have made such a spelling make sense...however Lennon makes me want to squeeze the puddin' out of the young one. Having said this, I am disappointed that he who set you up gets no props in the name. Congrats Wever Family!
Hey Holly, you sound like the "Safety Kid" you always were as a little girl growing up. How you would always be so cautious about the "What if" situations that would pop in your pretty head.
I love you three soooo much. You do John Lennon more justice than he ever had while living, with your boy having his name.
The pics are priceless I see on your blog site here. I'm putting one of them as my desktop wallpaper right now!
Dad (AKA Grandpa Ron)
Oh my gosh you guys! He is perfect! And so much hair! We LOVE the name, where did it come from? It is just perfect. We cannot wait to come home to see your little munchkin! Congrats!
Q and I are so happy for you guys!
Holly, I can't wait to hear all the details about your delivery...did you get and epidural, how long did you have to push...ect. He is a beautiful baby boy and it makes me so excited for ours to come. They will be such cute friends.
Congrats! We love you guys!
Congratulations! Holly you did it...you look beautiful in your mother and new baby photos. I wanted that. I tried to play it cool as I had my hair and make-up all done before I went to be induced. Forget about it. I looked thrashed and under the influence by the time I was holding Holden.
Your boy is so handsome. I love all his hair. I hope you continue to recover well. Remember it is a bad habit to look around at other new mothers to gage how you and your baby are doing.
I am so excited for you. Lennon is a great name. Being a parent is scarey, but you and Tod will do great.
he's pretty cute, gotta say...sadly he looks most like Tod...Congrats kids!
We are about as thrilled as grandparents could possibly be to see our healthy, beautiful baby boy at home in his parents arms. I keep going in and enlarging Lennon's picture ,,, I just want to squeeze him so bad. It’s like seeing Tod as a baby all over again. The emotion in Tod's eyes as his holds his son says it all. It's the best!! Hope you are getting your strength back Holly after such a long labor. You look beautiful, Mommy. Can't wait to see you all!
July 5th in History
1946: Bikini swimsuit first demonstrated at a Paris fashion show
1977: Pakistans leader, Mr Bhutto, deposed by the military
July 5th birthdays
1810: Phineas T. Barnum, Circus entrepreneur
1853: Cecil Rhodes, Founder of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)
1901: Louis Armstrong, American jazz trumpeter
1911: Georges Pompidou, French statesman
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