Monday, June 18, 2007

Just an update...I am dilated and 75% effaced which means something is happening, but probably no baby for a week or so. The doctor set the date July 10th as the last day we can wait to induce. I'm hoping it will come closer to its due date on July 2nd. That would be great.

What I'm doing to prepare for the baby:

laying in the pool
drinking lots of water
cleaning everything (fridge, microwave, our bathroom, the baby's room)(Tod thinks it's funny that I disinfected the crib...)
What Tod's doing to prepare for the baby:
working hard at his job
getting ice water for me
letting me crank up the air conditioning at night
watering our plants outside
taking care of almost everything
Biggest news of the week:
1. Our ice maker broke in our freezer and I panicked...I eat more ice than food lately...
2. A total stranger started rubbing my belly in line at Costco. After doing so for about 10 seconds she then asked if that was okay. This baby needs to come.
3. Tod doesn't like Jimmy, the lady who planted some palms in the backyard for us last week. Mostly because she bosses us around and her name is Jimmy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I cant stand it! I miss you guys. I'm so excited about the blog.