Monday, July 18, 2011


Our weekend consisted of a full day cleaning the garage (well, Tod cleaning the garage), a still messy garage (Tod would tell you it's done), laundrylaundrylaundrylaundrylaundry, no sleep Friday night - Larry throwing up - dinner out, a lazy Sunday (aka an hour late for church), a new swimsuit for Tod, and a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies last night (whole wheat flour of's orders!). I only had five.
The suit I bought him was about two sizes two small.  Which is a pain to exchange but also provided at least 20 minutes of pure entertainment.  Check out the socks.

Really hugged his curves.  You should've seen the front.

Finally folded it all...started blocking my view.

And finally, and maybe most importantly, I realized today I may be mid-quarter life crisis.  The thought occurred to me as I drove to Blockbuster to return Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" while listening to my new Taylor Swift album. 

Friday night:

Me: Hey, I rented a movie for us.
Tod: What is it?
Me: Ummmm a documentary about a singer who came from practically nothing and worked his way to the top... 
Tod: Who's the singer.
Me: I think Justin Bieber (like I'd never said the name)?
Tod: [Went to bed...door shut.  Didn't even want to hear the music]
Me: [Popped popcorn and enjoyed.]

1 comment:

IronLawGirl said...

Umm, we redboxed it so we only had it for a day. I watched it three times and blamed it on Drake because he was watching it with me.