Dear -- Could you please, PLEASE make it possible to post pictures in the order we upload them? Now everyone will see the boys' haircuts BEFORE viewing the haircut action shots. . .

Lennon wearing underwear backwards (daily occurance) so he can see the superheroes...

Lennon getting in Larry's shot.

Still there, can you see him?

Larry's really into eating whole fruits lately. He just goes for it.

Haircuts for both boys this week...

Lennon dressed up while waiting his turn. Don't ask and don't judge.

Me in my NEW pink pants -- thank you Tod.

Tod wanted a shot of Larry's hair on his back because, "Look! It looks like he has a hairy back!" Not really but pretend for Tod.

Larry's first bribe/sucker. And so it begins...

Before picture -- it was hard to say goodbye to all that hair.

Larry's new favorite cereal -- Lucky Charms. It stains his face and hands but look how much he enjoys it...

Does anyone out there know where I can buy a sheath for this damn sword? There must be a better way.

Not the best picture but this kid is cruising like crazy. Too bad you can't see his camo sock/sailor onesie combo in this picture. He pulls off any look, I swear.

We said goodbye to my Grandma Martha this month. So glad she's with her sweetheart now.
(picture taken in Indio when I was pregnant with Lennon)

Lennon looking through a pop-up book Tod and I bought when we were newlyweds at an old used bookstore outside of Zion's National Park. Back then it seemed like we'd never have kids and now...

We got a visit from Grandma Jewel and Grandpa Larry. Lennon refused to be in pictures but he was there.
Coming soon -- Lennon and Larry reunite with their long lost best buddies from Redondo Beach. . . it was quite a party.
Your kids adorableness seriously makes me ill.
On another note-cutting and pasting pics works magically when putting them in order.
Oh Holly, you crack me up!!!
Thank you, Mrs. Bolyard, but for some reason cutting and pasting doesn't work on Blogger for me. Really annoying.
Not you...Blogger.
The sword thing is killing me...
I have a feeling that you could buy a sheath and the sword would still be placed there--it's a boy thing. He'll be 30 and do the same thing. Sorry about that.
Why oh why did you shave baby Larry's head??? We are sad over here.
p.s. can't wait to see the pics from our visit. Q is really annoyed that you haven't blogged about it yet. I told him you've been a little busy.
i love the NEW pink pants.
Does Larry have red hair? It sure looks like it. I have a love for redheads for obvious reasons. Can't wait until I see a sword in each of their underpants.
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