Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Blagging (v): To brag on a blog.
And I hate to blag but yes, I made it up. Blag post coming soon.
Topic: Larry


Lindsey and David said...

You know what you need to blag about? That marathon you ran! I want to hear about it even if it is blagging! I guess Larry would be great, too.

KelliJamison said...

You weren't kidding about often taking pictures from that side, your so called "good side". I think both sides are equally good, but now I know your secret:)

Anonymous said...

Your left side looks stunning in this picture. I seriously think if you submitted blagging to the American Encyclopedia they would accept it. You would be famous....

Anonymous said...

HOLD UP.........

Did I just see that you have 19 comments on your secrets post. Who are you?!?! Very impressive.

MediocreMama said...

Linds, it wasn't a full marathon. For some reason people keep thinking I did a full. It was the Moab Half and I finished right along an elderly lady -- no blagging rights there.

Desiree + Dyer + Isabelle said...

i love this term blag .. and plan to spread it on my blog!!

{btw: i enjoy reading about Tolly + L2}

Desiree Heintz (Kuras)