Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Main reason for recent blogging strike:

But if you're having toasted bagels with cheese and pickles for dinner, PLEASE CALL ME!


Berkley said...

I have no idea what the picture is because it won't show up, but does this mean what I think it means?!?!?

mandy* said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so excited for you. Lennon is going to be a big brother!

Jessica =)) said...

WOW... Congrats!
I can't wait to see how big your belly gets this time.. Oh, I had cheese and bagels just now.. as for pickles... no thanks. Again, congratulations!

♥, Jessica

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Ron said...

I'm having sharp cheddar cheese and pickles with tomato/basil baked wheat thins right now. Come on over and have some with me!

I am speechless with happiness for you guys...

Loriann Jensen said...

Here you've been telling everyone you're too busy but really you were just gettin' busy! Good for you! You're in for a ride. How far along are you?

Camp Directors said...

Yeahhh!! Lennon is going to be a big BROTHER. I was thinking about you yesterday when I went to Einstiens and ordered TWO bagles for myself. Then today... when I was eating my ENGLISH MUFFINS. What is wrong with us Pregnant Ladies???

Brooke said...

I'm right there with you. Between throwing up and trying to keep up with Benson I have NO energy for blogging. I'm ready to be past the sick stage.

Jason and Sarah Nelson said...

Holly!! Yeah, I'm so excited for you guys. I'm due in just a few weeks, so our little guys won't be too far apart at all. Congratulations!

Alana said...

You know I'm SO EXCITED! Hope you get out of the sickness stage soon!

Laisa said...

Yea! Congrats hol!

Erica said...

Glad the secret is OUT!!! Congrats. I can't wait to see how Lennon reacts to having to share blogging posts and other items.

Brett and Rachael said...

Congratulations!!! (even though we've known for a little while ;) I'm sorry you're sick! Hopefully that passes soon!

Pete and Repete said...

You guys... I swear, we must be living parallel lives in different countries. Looks like you are on the kid-every-two-years-or-so schedule like us. Congrats.

Ashley K. said...

Congrats Holly!

Leah Miller said...

Congrats and sorry!! Oh, man it is no fun to be SICK. I pretty much waste away on the couch my whole first trimester. If you get feeling really ill just start crying really hard. That always made me feel better, or at least I got a little attention...maybe that was what made me feel better. Good luck.