Thank you for making this cape for me. I wear it sometimes now when I'm busy around the house (sweeping, skipping, screaming). I like that I can choose whether I want to be Batman or Superman. Options have always been my thing. I think you're nice and hopefully I'll see you soon.
Love, Lennon

I opened your Halloween package yesterday. Thanks for all the snuggly toys and especially for this hooded blanket. I wore it for most of the afternoon. I think you also sent treats but it turns out my mom ate all the M&Ms before any of us could even find them. Sigh. Anyways, your package really made our day. Can't wait for Thanksgiving. I'll wear this hood for you then.
Love, Lennon

Looks like I need to make him another cape: DIAPER MAN!!! He is so cute, so smart, so funny, so dear!
Love, Grandma Karen
I almost sent him a cape too ... a black one with an orange crescent moon. The batman/superman is better ,,, "year-round" play. Tod was superman for years!!! All my boys did that. They even had cool boots to match. I'm glad I decided on the hooded bathtowel instead. He is adorable in all his Halloween get-up! Looks like he isn't afraid of rats, mice or pumpkin bears.
Looking forward to seeing him on Thanksgiving.
Grandma Carol
Lennon is too cute not to be spoiled! I miss him, and you! He is such a handsome little guy & I love the capes!
I am so glad you didn't make us wait any longer for more pictures of Lennon! We hope you will be posting Halloween pictures. He is getting so big! sooo cute, I can't imagine him being naughty........
Happy Halloween =)) ...
I've known you for 2 years now.. where did time go?
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