Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lennon is taking swimming lessons. This is the outfit they require in the water. Funny thing, though...once we get home, he still wants to wear it.
I guess I would, too, if I looked this good in a swimsuit. Dang, nice thighs, kid.
Tomorrow is day five of lessons. These aren't blow bubbles with Mommy kind of lessons...these are let's-teach-you-how-to-survive-if-you-fall-in-a-pool lessons.
Hardcore lessons.

Today Miss Frankie submerged Lennon underwater and he kicked, kicked, kicked to the surface and floated on his back (screaming). However, he got home and crawled around the house all cocky.

He knows he's good.

It's tough being modest when you're this good looking/athletic/brilliant/built.

If you have a pool or want more information, click here.

[Today I watched two 15 month olds completely submerge face down, kick to the surface, then roll over on their backs and cry. All on their own. Pretty incredible.]


Macy said...

We're taking a blow bubbles and sing songs swimming class. I think we'd rather be in Lennon's class.

The Bell Family said...

Wow! That video was amazing! Maybe after Lennon has graduated from the class, he could come to Idaho to teach his friends!

mandy* said...

I'm almost in tears just reading your blog! Babies submerged under water???? I think I need to get tough if I am going to put Cohen in lessons. Good for Lennon!!!!

Leah Miller said...

holly! I ran into Alana while she was working at Lofgrens yesterday. We switched emails, blogs, ECT. I saw your link on Alana's blog and thought I would say hi. Your family is so cute...I love Lennon's swim suit. LOL!

Ron said...

Lennon has some "fish" in him from your Mom and I, I think...

Mom and I taught that tough love kind of swimming with the little ones, you know (before you were born)...

Go, Aqua Man!!

Amy said...

I think he's ready to do the tri with us! Can't wait to see him!!!

Berkley said...

I've seen a video of this before. It's amazing what they can teach these little kids. I would definitely want to do it if we had a pool. Go, Lennon!

Anonymous said...

I f I had those trunks I wouldn't take them off either. PS... Seven comments, who are you? Nei? I'm impressed, the most I can get is three.

Alana said...

I love that Lennon is in swim lessons! Hopefully he'll take after you and become a true swimming natural. We grew up in the pool! Mostly treading water for long periods of time, while singing the whole Achtung Baby album... those were the days!!!

Jessica =)) said...

Hey, how do you add people on your blog?
I've been trying forever! =))

Brett and Rachael said...

Yay! We are coming to Vegas, we are coming to Vegas! I love the the place that you live! :) I am excited to see this little boy too!

Unknown said...

3rd picture down... cutest picture...ever. I love that he's still sportn' the hawk.