Lennon went to ***California last week. These pictures are in no particular order.

We had a great view from our hotel balcony -- look at all the
Grandma Carol came with us so she could watch Lennon during the day; they had so much fun!

Lennon also had fun with his
first dog, Tank. I am not an animal person but it turns out my Aunt Lauri is. Thanks, Lauri. Actually, it was really cute to see how much he LOVED this animal.
Gross, but

In this picture you can see how Lennon
crossed the line -- pulling AS HARD AS HE COULD on Tank's ear. Notice Tank's face. Then notice Lennon's face. Like he cares.

We could
NOT get him away from this dog. They were best buddies.

Lennon also got to meet his
Great Grandma Martha for the first time. As soon as we walked in, she had a
little red wagon waiting for him. He loved it and loved playing with her.
Grandma and
Lennon on her back porch swing.

Tod with his mom Carol at the hotel in San Diego -- she was
dressed to KILL!

Lennon with
Aunt Lauri (sorry, he wouldn't look at the camera)
Loving his wagon.

Grandma Carol and Lenny outside the hotel -- can you believe how beautiful it is down there?
Mom and
Lennon makes friends everywhere we go. We had delicious
Mexican food one night and this guy had to serenade him. Lennon
didn't act impressed so it was a little embarrassing.

Grandma Carol for all your help and
Lauri for a fun weekend and we love you
Grandma Martha!

For all our friends in
sunny California, we wanted to visit. Tod was there on business so between that and family, there
was no time. Don't feel bad. We'll see you next time. Or come see us.
Or both.
Wonderful pictures of Lennon, et. al!
I'm so glad you guys (especially Lennon) got to go to Indio. There's 4 generations involved between Lennon and Martha...
Cute Pics! Looks like you had a fun trip to Cali.
holly, i am really enjoying your use of different fonts, sizes, and colors of text. i have a feeling i know who you were inspired by.............oh you know who i am talking about, Mrs. Weaver......
Mallory, you've accused me of copying the most nauseating blogger in all of cyberspace. I will ignore your comment, and only reply by saying my mom's blog inspired the change.
I forgive you, Mrs. Christensen.
I'm glad you are home! Cali looked beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again kids for letting me play "nanny" in San Diego. I LOVED it!! Lennon and I got along great ... what a good baby! And when mommy and daddy walk in, he just lights up like a Xmas tree ...BIG GRINS & GIGGLES! (as it should be) It was heartwarming for me to see what a devoted, proud dad Tod has become ... he's crazy about that kid! Thanks again for having me ... what a blessing.
Grandma Carol
(I'm embarrassed...I was NOT dressed to kill)
I'm so glad Lennon has not taken after Holly's dislike for animals! Hopefully Tod and Lennon will be able to gang up on her and get a dog someday!
Fun! California! I could use some CA weather sometime soon.
I absolutely love the picture of Lennon with the red wagon. He looks like the happiest kid on the earth! What a doll!
I hope you washed Lennon very well after being all over that dog-although I'm sure you did! Lennon looks like Tommy when he laughs his head off! SO CUTE!-aunt Kari
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