I decided maybe I am a
sticky mom. Only sometimes.
Lennon bit Tod.

We caught Lennon's
crawl-on-the-hard-slate-floors-with-knees-up on camera.

park time...

...but with Aunt Amy and Uncle Kevin -- sorry, Kevin, we didn't get a picture of you on that
killer slide.

Tod and I wondered if we should invest in a
hat for Lennon...

He doesn't
seem to mind the makeshift ones we put on his head while he lounges by the
pool...but you never know. Maybe he's just being polite.
Hey... Benson has the same penguin pjs!
The hat works... at least he keeps it on. Benson is starting to rip off anything we put on his head.
What a cool kid. I love his haircut. I'm so impressed by Tod's hidden flower talent. You have a friend moving to Greenville? That's where we are. Skigh works in Greenville. We live in a suburb. It seems like most people don't actually live right in Greenville. Do you know her from Vegas? Hey, do you remember the time we went shopping and I spent FIVE HUNDRED dollars? Four hundred just in Express?!?!? That was crazy. I MISS those days.
He seriously just keeps getting cuter and cuter, and just when you think...no way, he cannot get any cuter...he does. He is a magic baby. LOL!
I wish you guys were closer.
NOTHING gives me spring fever like checking your blog. Seriously...you are really rubbing it in with the flower planting, pool lounging, park photos. I'm looking out my window at three feet of snow right now and I'm thinking I need to see when the next flight to Vegas leaves.
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