Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am thrilled. Just thrilled. I voted and I'm not ashamed to say it. I want my brother to marry Julianne Hough and then I want Helio to be my next door neighbor.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


This year we stayed home for Thanksgiving. It was the first time we've done it on our own. We missed everyone but loved not traveling! Everything started out great the day before...
....and then the night before we had a little problem....
I decided to make one of the dishes ahead of time. So I prepared Megan's yummy sweet potato casserole from scratch on Wednesday night. I was so meticulous about every single measurement -- I wanted it to be just right. I finished and stuck it in the fridge. Opened the fridge a minute later for some milk and this happened:
It wasn't just on the floor. It was all over our condiments as well. Tod was running an errand when this all happened and when he returned I was tearfully wiping up this sick puke-like mess. I announced: "Thanksgiving is cancelled."
I was serious at the time but once it was cleaned up, I realized the remains would still be enough to bake the next day. So Thanksgiving was no longer cancelled.
[Note: I have seen the word 'cancelled' spelled with one OR two l's. I chose one way so everyone calm down in case it's wrong.]
The next day was really nice. We had our good friend, Kenya and her three kids Tatiana, T.J., and Jasmine over. Tod's brother, Tyler came as well. And the casserole was THE most delicious part of the meal.
After dinner Tod and Tyler did all the dishes while we played CLUE. Needless to say I won both games but to their credit, it was their first time. I'm ruthless when it comes to CLUE.

T.J. and Kenya holding Lennon

I forgot to mention that earlier in the day, Lennon was able to swing. This has become a favorite activity of his and it's really cute to watch. He's still so small but really loves the wind in his rooster-like hair. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lennon's first race

Lennon attended his first triathlon a couple weeks ago. He was willing to get up early, show up in the freezing cold, and go without a meal for a few hours. What a great guy.
Tod and me before the race:
Lennon and his grandparents (also good sports for waking up early):
His great-aunt Ann Dee (her first triathlon):
Lennon and Mom (who dressed him like a candycane that day):
Lennon and his sort-of cousin:
Aunt Kristi:
Me and Millie (her first triathlon as well)(not pictured: her husband, Colton who is a bike gear expert and saved the day several times):
Mike, Tod and Emily (her second triathlon):
It was a really fun day and we appreciated Lennon's support. He was fantastic.


I have been tagged several times. Sorry this took so long, but here's an official response:

1. I am sort of a paranoid person. When I was little and my parents would go out, if they weren't home RIGHT when they said they'd be back, I'd freak out. I knew they were dead on the road somewhere and it was up to me to raise their family myself. One time an alarm clock went off in the kitchen and I evacuated myself, my brother, and two sisters. I was sure the house was on fire. I even saved some CDs and my violin...from the non-fire.

2. I love: exercising, eating out, traveling with Tod, when Lennon wakes up, trampolines, reading, and when my hair is cute. I'm going to add jeans as well, Melissa. I strongly believe that a pair of good jeans can make any girl feel great. I look at jeans as investments. I also have a non-sexual crush on Julianne Hough from Dancing with the Stars. It just doesn't get better than her.

3. One time I got stuck in the lifeguard umbrella while I was....lifeguarding. It was windy. This is a true story no matter what anyone says; I have a whole kiddy-pool full of witnesses.

4. I don't have a lot of visible talents. Most of them are hidden. However, I plan to unveil one of them soon in my T.V. debut on "Don't Forget the Lyrics." I don't forget lyrics. I know lyrics to the crappiest songs. I know lyrics to country songs, rap songs, love songs. Tod is currently editing my video to audition. I may be a millionaire.

5. I can do a round-off handspring tuck. Or I used to be able to. I also used to do a standing tuck, too. I don't know what would happen if I attempted these tricks today. I should also mention I was captain of the THS cheerleading squad. Led the girls to state -- 1st place.

6. I am self-conscious about: my thighs, my cooking, and cellulite. I'm also self conscious about the fact that my glasses come out of the dishwasher with spots still. WHY?! WHY?? However, Jessica N. gave me a great tip that I plan to use asap. This has to stop.

I tag: Megan, Amber, and Berkley

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trunk or Treat

We had so much fun at Trunk-or-Treat last night. Lenny the Lion enjoyed his first Halloween ever! Some pictures:

The back of his costume...

Our family
The Incredibles
Corbin the monkey with his mom, Lindsey
Tod and Lennon passing out treats
Two of our favorite costumes: Willy Wonka and his Oompa Loompa. Aren't those costumes perfect?!!!
This was Tod's favorite guy -- a two-foot tall pirate. Eating candy all night.

Corbin, Cru and Lenny the Lion
Dorothy and her Lollipop Kid

Lennon awake!
Lennon asleep in our trunk

Wyatt, Amber and Cru the Chicken