This is a true story. In fact, these are my witnesses:

Our friends, Laisa and Tim visited us this weekend. They were hanging out in our room while I dressed Lennon after a bath. As I was putting lotion on him, I said, "Doesn't it feel good to have some lotion on your face?" Clear as day, he took a deep breath and sighed out the word, "Yeaaahhh..." I thought I was hearing things but Laisa and Tim were already laughing. Certainly, he didn't know it was a word, but it came out so clearly it was hard to deny. Yeaahhhh...

Lennon cuddling with his new girlfriend.

After three sleepless nights (it wasn't his fault he had to get shots) we put this outfit on him. That night, he slept just fine.

He is just too cute!!!
I put little Lennon's smiling photo with his Skull t shirt as my October and Halloween PC wallpaper!
Grandpa Ron
Who would not sleep fine with that outfit on? He looks so tough!
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