Sunday, October 14, 2007

Costume party

Our friends Amber and Wyatt had their annual Halloween party on Friday. I forgot my camera, so thanks to Megan and Clay for letting us steal some pictures. They're worth posting twice:
Amber and Wyatt (hosts of the party)
Clayton and Megan from Grease -- looking very hot
Clayton with the two winners of the best costume award at the party...kidding...
We dressed as Halloween ghost trick-or-treaters. Hey, we'll do better next year.
Megan and me


Ruby del Barco said...

Join us for the Vashon Zombie Walk

Anonymous said...

Hayyyy, we look pretty good I think. It is so fun to get dressed up!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for carrying a pink candy holder. I identified you immediately!

Laisa said...

You're full of sheet.