We have raised Lennon to be a well-rounded individual. It's rewarding when these efforts pay off.
He enjoys a wide variety of music at this point in his life. I've discovered three specific artists that he seems to respond to best so far.
Prince's "Raspberry Beret" was the first song I discovered that calmed him down. He especially loves guitar solos.

Lennon's favorite: "Stayin' Alive"
He also loves any band who wears all white with gold jewelry.

And finally, Radiohead. I can't say he enjoys ALL Radiohead just yet, but he listened to this entire album yesterday on our drive to St. George. When I put in a different album, the crying began. So we stuck with what worked.
it's impossible to be in this family without having a sense of what good music is. i'm not surprised. plus...his name. it would be a shame if someone named lennon didn't have good taste in music.
I agree with Kristi, especially the last sentence. He really must be s smart boy. Holden looks forward to finally meeting Lennon (I've read your blog and shown him the photos). He said it would be nice to have him around. He is sick of being the youngest.
I won't allow my son to be exposed to that trash. I'm surprised at you. Surprised and shocked.
Love, your aunt.
P.S. Tag. Sorry.
Tell Lennon he can make a CD from my collection if he wants and I will even provide the CD.
Nice...raising a kid to be as pretentious as his mom. I suppose his favorite movies are Before Sunset & Little Miss Sunshine. But he really respects the cinematography in Citizen Kane. I think you forgot to mention his love of Bob Dylan (early stuff) & The Mars Volta. Buy a Disney album on wax or at least get him Kid A...the obviously better Radiohead album.
Hey Q, shouldn't you be working or something?
I, like my great nephew, like radiohead a bit. However, too much BeeGees could provide him with the wrong idea that it's ok for boys to sound gay when they sing.
Dan, I don't mean to be rude but Van the Little Man on the family homepage has got to go. Lennon the Great is here and deserves a few months in the spotlight. Think about it.
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