This is a picture of me at three weeks old. I am thrilled to report that Lennon looks very similar to his mom as a baby. It makes me so happy and his dad so sad; Tod wants his son to look like HIM.

My mom holding me as a newborn...still looking like Lennon...

...however, there is still something about him that looks just like Tod.
Dang your right he does look like you!! Hey if you want any Target photo studio coupons I have some! And don't wait til he can smile I took Corbin when he was 2 weeks old and they are some of my fav pics. They take ones of his little feet and his little hand holding yours. And ones of him in his diaper curled up.They really turn out super cute!
Well, Holly, has Tod recovered yet from the fact that our baby boy has a striking resemblance to his Momma? Put that little guy in a dress ... and you've got yourself a twin! (You mustn't dare!!!) Tod was crushed enough when you brought those pictures out. But in all fairness, I still see a lot of Tod in his expressions (just a much thinner version with a lot more hair). I miss my little man like crazy even tho Ev & Grant are underfoot this week. Hugs & kisses, guys.
Karen - you look hot for just having a baby ... weird
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